St Mark's Church Jersey


Sunday 10.30am

We have a weekly service at 1030 and once a month we have a liturgy-based communion service at 9am on the 1st Sunday of the month.

From the very young to the not-quite-so-young and those anywhere between, the 10:30am congregation includes the broadest section of our church family. We especially want families to feel welcome and relaxed and this is hopefully reflected in our service style.

We have 3 children’s groups for 3-18year olds three times a month with an all-age service on the other week. When there are kids groups on, for kids under 3 years old can either stay in the service or move in to the café a the back of the church with an adult where the service is piped through. For those who can’t make it in person, we stream our 1030 service every week.